Tuesday, March 22, 2011


What would you consider a bad move in a relationship? What can you do to avoid it and keeping your partner happy? Well its different for all couples. First you have to know what your partner is like and up to what limits does his jealousy go. The worst thing you can do is cheat on them, especially if you are doing it right in front of them. If your boyfriend gets jealous that just means he cares about you and is afraid of losing you. It does not always mean that he doesn't trust you. The best way to make sure he will loosen up his phobia of being left and replaced by someone else is to constantly remind him how much he means to you. Also using the terms "ily" makes some doubt that you really do love them since you wont even bear to write out the whole phrase "i love you" and if you think it doesn't matter and that the two mean the same thing. You are dead ass wrong! if you write out "I love you" it tells the person that you actually mean it rather than 3 letters that mean absolutely nothing. But dont overdo the loving, writing that you love him on every single text and efter every 5 minutes of talking to him will also give the impression that the love might not be real since you're just throwing the phrase around left and right. Now most cases of one partner cheating on the other is because of sexual reasons. One may not like his boyfriends body or size, or simple he is bored of it. This is my opinion: If he loved you, he wouldn't cheat on you, end of story. What many cheaters dont realize is the way they hurt their relation with their partner but also how much they hurt their partner emotionally. If you become interested in someone else while you are in a relationship then you have to make your mind up because you can only have one, never both at once without it ending in a terrible way. Always consider the other ones feelings and think about if you really love them or not. Remember that cheating never ends well because no matter how it plays out, he will never forget about it and will always carry the burden of what happened. Night people <3

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