Thursday, February 23, 2012


This Blog Has Been Moved To:

Thanks for all the loyal subscribers that have stuck with LdL during its suspended period

Sunday, May 1, 2011


im sry guys, but im suspending Love da Love for a while, ive been having bs shoved in my life everyday and cant really find the time or humor anymore :P bye guys, hopefully by summer i'll have everything straightened out and start LdL again

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Todays hottie = Jordan Jansen

Fist time i heard this song was when i was playing Robot Unicorn Attack on my iPhone and i really liked it so i thought i would share it :P The video confused me but it was still great.

It’s bad enough that gay teens are forced to endure ridicule from their classmates. They don’t need teachers chiming in against them, to boot.
Flagler Palm Coast High School Freshman Luke Herbert unfortunately has been on the receiving end of a teacher’s mad-on for the gay student.
“He stood in front of the class and said ‘you can’t put Mountain Dew or Pepsi in the same fridge or they’ll turn gay.’ He [also] came over to me, and I was like ‘hi.’ He said hi, like he was imitating me or mocking me,” the 15-year-old told Florida’s News 13.
Herbert’s mother, Doreen Davenport, complained to the school multiple times before being promised that her son would be switched to another class (Even though it’s the homophobic teacher who is the problem in this classroom.), but that has yet to happen. Davenport says she worried about his safety every day.
Boo! This sucks. It blows our minds to hear teachers harassing any student for any reason whatsoever to begin with. That a teach would pick on a gay student during a time of highly publicized gay suicides and discrimination leading to lawsuits against schools just straight up baffles.
Hang in there Luke! For what it’s worth, you’re a total babe.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Transgender Woman Beat Up in Baltimore McDonalds!

A Baltimore LGBT group, called Equality Maryland, confirmed that the victim of the Baltimore McDonalds’ beating is a transgender woman. Lisa Polyak, vice president of the board of directors for Equality Maryland commented on the video. “It does appear that the victim was a transgender woman, and she was brutalized while people stood by and watched,” “There’s no excuse for that violence under any circumstances, but we would encourage police to investigate as a hate crime.” Equality Maryland called on state Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler to investigate the case as a hate crime.
Police said a 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile for the assault while charges were pending against an 18-year-old woman. It seems that the fight was over “using a bathroom”. Sadly this could get messy also for the victim, legally. The Baltimore Legislature recently shot down a “bathroom bill” which would have given transgender people the right to choose which bathroom they would like to use.
If this is a case of a 22 year old man entering a bathroom while a 14 year old girl was using it – get ready for a legal showdown.  Any sleazeball criminal defense attorney will have enough facts to argue for a dismissal. I am sure the two girls have already been called by attorneys willing to take the case pro bono, trying to make a name. LGBT rights will spend more time on trial during this soon-to-be circus than the girls will. Still, all must agree that the assault, without a doubt, is heinous.
The Smoking Gun reports- The police report identifies the victim as 22-year-old Chrissy Lee Polis, who appears identical to Christopher Lee Polis, whose rap sheet includes convictions for disorderly conduct, property destruction, and prostitution, according to court records. Polis told police that she was walking to the restaurant’s bathroom when she “got into a verbal argument with two black females” who “began punching her in the face with their fists and pulling her hair.”
For those of you that have not seen the video here it is – I warn you it is very violent and very disturbing.
(the video might take a while to pop up, just give ur computer some time to load it)
(article from:


yes yes i know im late grr, on the bright side, i had a whole week away from my parents :D ok so yeah now im back and will be posting shitloads of things to catch up with the week that i missed :P

Sunday, April 17, 2011

buh-bye :P

Leaving NYC today to go to New Jersey for a week, i should still be posting up new things daily. So long NYC, see you next week <3

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Such a beautiful video :')

Btw: if the video doesnt pop up just click in the middle of the area and it will show

My first photoshop ever!!!!!

I think it turned out pretty good for a first :D what do u think?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

hello :)

Havent made a new video in quite a while so i decided to make one today :)

And heres my new walpaper that i was talking about in the vid, CUTEEE!!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

D: poor GaGa

(CBS) Lady Gaga is nothing if not a professional. The singer took a pretty big tumble during a live performance in Houston, stood up and kept singing as if she hadn't just fallen in front of the entire Toyota Center.
In the video, Lady Gaga has one stiletto-heeled boot on the piano's keys and another on the piano bench when the bench topples over. The singer falls, landing on her butt and then rolling under the piano.
When she crawls out from under the piano it almost looks as if she planned the whole thing.

EMBED-Lady Gaga Falls Off Her Piano - Watch more free videos

Monday, April 11, 2011

is she kidding?

Either she made these "metaphors" up or they really are true, but i think that she might of had actually convinced me, btw if you dont know what this discussion is about... really i have no words for you but "shame"
Btw: i have made about 6 clips of me poking random people with a stick and i plan to do more tomorrow so the video should be finished soon, if it goes viral, every follower gets a stick to poke people with XD

Sunday, April 10, 2011

stay tuned

Well my lazy weekend is almost over, and tomorrow i will make a ideo of me poking random strangers with a stick XD got the idea when i poked an old chinese guy and i can never forget his facial expression LOL so yeah, i'll post up the video tomorrow, until then, get high and have unprotected sex till u start seeing unicorns

Friday, April 8, 2011


Riding a pelican with a Chinese guy telling me to get off XD then i broke it :D

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I GOT BLUE HIGHLIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU JELLING? i bet you are >.>
Previously i had a blue streak but it wasnt permanent and washed out after a few days, so now i got highlights, and im loving them!

OOOH and i found some pics from last weeks dance :P

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Tell me if this is not THE HOTTEST NO H8 boy EVER!!!!!


Whadda fudge.........
Thank you guys for all the suport <3
This was me after the dance, the neon crown is making it hard to see but the blue hair is like right under it on the right:

Monday, April 4, 2011


I took this video from my iPhone so its a bit low quality but whatevs

a few new changes

I have just read on LdL's facebook page, one of our followers posted a concern about the green on the blog so i have just changed that and i have also added a few new things to the blog including a new poll over there ------------->
Theres 56 days left in the voting and if you guys have any more concerns, there is a link at the side bar to LdL's facebook page and you can post your concerns there, or you can email me at

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Josh Hutcherson

He looks a bit weird... but i guess it just makes him look cuter :P